SEC Meetings Dalian

SEC Meetings Dalian


The minutes of the SEC (Scientific Executive Committee) meetings of the ISIAME Conference series held in Dalian, China on 2nd and 4th September, 2012

During the ISIAME2012 held in Dalian, China, two SEC meetings have been organized of the SEC of the ISIAME Conference series.

1st Meeting of the SEC of ISIAME, Dalian (China), 2-9-2012


Prof. M. Carbucicchio, Prof. J. Cashion, Prof. E. Kuzmann, Prof. J. Stevens, Prof. F. Waanders, Prof. T. Zhang, Dr. J. F. Marco

Prof. Carbucicchio acts as Chairman and Dr. Marco as Secretary.

The Chairman starts the meeting talking about the mission of the SEC:

-It must ensure that no overlapping occurs with ICAME.

-It has to assign the future symposia in places having a strong connection with industry considering that the ISIAME aim is to promote the interaction between industry and the academic world.

-It has to maintain the experience of the past to keep alive the symposium aim.

The Chairman explains the composition of SEC: the organizers of past ISIAME conferences plus some elected members, whose number must not exceed that of the past ISIAME organizers. On the basis of this rule, and taking into account that:

(i) at the moment, SEC is composed by 7 past conference chairmen plus 2 elected members,

(ii) some SEC members will be retired,

after a long debate and several considerations, it is decided that three new elected members will be nominated in the next SEC meeting.

Some participants of the present symposium express their interest to organise the next conference. Prof. Waanders indicates that the political uncertainties that were present in 2008 in South Africa and that prevented him to launch a formal application to organise ISIAME2012 have now disappeared. He will contact people from his country, and in the case of a positive support he will present an application to organize ISIAME2016.

The meeting has been adjourned until Tuesday, 4th of September

2nd Meeting of the SEC of ISIAME, Dalian (China), 4-9-2012


Prof. M. Carbucicchio, Prof. J. Cashion, Prof. E. Kuzmann, Prof. J. Stevens, Prof. F. Waanders, Prof. T. Zhang, Prof. J. Wang, Dr. J. F. Marco

Two formal applications to organise the ISIAME2016 have been presented:

1). Prof. L. Machala submits an application to organize ISIAME2016 in Olomuc, Czech Republic, explaining the characteristics of his research center, the facilities available, his experience in conference organization, as well as the prices of accommodation, the characteristics of the conference hall and the links and connections with industry.

2). Prof. Waanders submits an application to organize ISIAME2016 in Cape Town, South Africa, assuring to have a large support from both scientific and industrial South Africa people. He answers to different questions of SEC members about location, financial support and accommodation. Because of his decision to submit this application he refrain from discussion and voting.

After a long and exhaustive discussion, the SEC members decide to assign ISIAME2016 to South Africa under the chair of Prof. Waanders.

The decision of assigning the organization of next ISIAME to the South Africa is based on different reasons: (i) during the previous ISIAME in Budapest Prof. Waanders showed his willingness to organize this symposium in the future; (ii) since both ICAME2013 and 2015 will be held in Europe it seems convenient to organize ISIAME2016 in a different continent; (iii) the past experience of ISIAME1996 in Johannesburg was extremely positive in terms of interaction between industry and the academic community.

The attendants decide to nominate as new elected members of SEC

(i) Dr. Lippens (France), (ii) Prof. Machala (Czech Republic) and (iii) Prof. Nishida (Japan).

Prof. M. Carbucicchio and Dr. J. F. Marco