Mediterranean Conferenceonthe Applicationsof the Mössbauer Effect(MECAME 2015);June 7-10, 2015;Hotel Donat, Zadar, Croatia
Dear colleagues,
We would like to announce that the first Mediterranean conference on the applications of the Mossbauer Effect, MECAME 2015, will be held on June 7-10, 2015 in Zadar, Croatia.
The conference is organized in honour of Dr. Svetozar Musić (RuđerBošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia) on the occasion of his 70th birthday and to celebrate his life-long scientific contribution, particularly for his introduction of Mössbauer spectroscopy as a research technique in Croatia. With this Conference, we wish to acknowledge his contribution to science in Croatia and to the development of Mössbauer spectroscopy, in particular.
The aims of MECAME 2015 are to present new investigations and reviews of the applications of Mössbauer effect, to exchange ideas and to promote collaboration among scientists concerning the future potential of Mössbauer spectroscopy. One of the aims of MECAME 2015 is also to enhance the development of Mössbauer spectroscopic research in Mediterranean countries, stimulating closer interaction among scientists in this region of the world. Past regional meetings of the Mössbauer community have been very successful, and we hope that the establishment of MECAME will further the development of the method in Mediterranean countries.
We would also like to extend this invitation to scientists who are experts in other spectroscopic techniques to participate at MECAME 2015.
The Conference topics are:
- Nanomaterials
- Magnetic materials
- Environmental materials
- Science and technology of Glass and Ceramics
- Solid state Chemistry and Physics
- Catalysis
The Conference will be held in the Conference Hall of Hotel Donat, located in the Borik resort complex, 3.5 km away from the historical city centre of Zadar. Zadar is a city on the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea, the administrative, economic and cultural centre of northern Dalmatia. It has 3000 years long history and a very reach cultural heritage dating from prehistoric time and the first known Illyrianssettlements via Roman, Byzantine, Venetian, Croatian-Hungarian, French, Austrian and Italian up to contemporary architecture.
Important Dates
- 1 May 2015 - Deadline for registration and abstract submission via website
- 31 May 2015 - Deadline for payment of the registration fee
- 7-10 June 2015 - MECAME 2015 Zadar
More details about the MECAME conference could be found at the website:
Dr. Svetozar Musić - Biography
At the start of his career, he worked on the production of short-lived radioisotopes at the RBI cyclotron and on the development of various complexes and colloids labelled with radioisotopes for medical diagnostics. He made significant achievements in a number of fields, such as radiochemistry and nuclear chemistry, surface and colloid chemistry. For many years, he and his co-workers investigated metal- and mixed metal oxides, focusing on the kinetics, phase transformation and their formation mechanisms. He published more than 250 articles in renowned journals which were cited over 4000 times.
Svetozar Musić introduced Mössbauer spectroscopy as a research technique at the RuđerBošković Institute. He also equipped his laboratory with other spectroscopic techniques, including a scanning electron microscopic and diffraction techniques.
During his scientific carrier at RBI, he also held several important duties; he was head of the Laboratory for the synthesis of new materials, head of the Division of Materials Chemistry and for a while, served as assistant to the general director of RBI.
In 1976-1977, he was a research fellow at Loránd-Eötvös University in Budapest, where he worked with Prof. Attila Vértes. In cooperation with Prof. Attila Vertés he published a series of the papers from the field of the hydrolysis of Fe3+ ions in aqueous solutions. On the basis of Mössbauer spectroscopic data he described the mechanisms of the hydrolysis of Fe3+ ions in the nitrate, chloride and sulphate containing aqueous solutions (S. Musić, A. Vértes, G. W. Simmons, I. Czakó-Nagy, H. Leidheiser, Jr., J. Coll. InterfaceSci. 85 (1982) 256). The results of this investigation found a very good acceptance in the relevant literature. He continued this research latter and together with his co-workers recently summarized the newest results in the book chapter: S. Musić, M. Ristić, S. Krehula: 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy in the Investigation of the Precipitation of Iron Oxides, inMössbauer Spectroscopy: Applications in Chemistry, Biology, Industry, and Nanotechnology,edited by V.K. Sharma, G. Klingelhöfer, T. Nishida, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA 2013. pp. 470-504.
In 1980-1982, he was a visiting scientist at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, USA, where he worked with Prof. Henry Leidheiser. Together with Prof. H. Leidheiser he published pioneer works on the application of Mössbauer spectroscopy in the study of corrosion inhibition, understanding the metal/organic coating interactions and the mechanisms of the atmospheric corrosion of steel(H. Leidheiser, Jr., G. W. Simmons, S. Nagy, S. Musić, J. Electrochem. Soc. 129 (1982) 1658; H. Leidheiser, Jr., S. Musić, G. W. Simmons, Nature 297 (1982) 667; H. Leidheiser, Jr., S. Musić, CorrosionSci. 22 (1982) 1089).

Dr. Svetozar Musić and Prof. Henry Leidheiser (Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA, 1981.)
One of the fields of his scientific interest is a study of synthesis and properties of the magnetic oxides and the overview of the publications from this field he published in the book: Z. Homonnay, S. Musić, T. Nishida, N. S. Kopelev, A. Vértes, MössbauerSpectroscopyofSophisticatedOxides, AkadémiaiKiadó, Budapest 1997. The influence of synthesis parameters on the chemical , microstructural and magnetic properties of ferrites (spinel-, perovskite-and garnet-structure) have been investigated (B. Hannoyer, M. Ristić, S. Popović, S. Musić, F. Petit, B. Foulon, S. Dalipi, Mater. Chem. Phys. 55 (1998) 215; M. Ristić, I. Felner, I. Nowik, S. Popović, I. Czakó-Nagy, S. Musić,J. AlloysComp. 308 (2000) 301; M. Ristić, B. Hannoyer, S. Popović, S. Musić, N. Bajraktaraj, Mater.Sci. Eng. B77 (2000) 73; M. Ristić, I. Nowik, S. Popović, I. Felner, S. Musić, Mater. Lett.57 (2003) 2584).
In the more recent time, Dr. Svetozar Musić, draw his research interest to the synthesis and properties of nanomaterials, particularly metal oxides nanoparticles (iron oxides, Mn-oxides, ZnO, NiO, WO3, V2O5, ZrO2, etc). He developed the original chemical methods in the synthesis of metal oxides nanoparticles and with his co-workers applied low-frequency Raman scattering for nanoparticles size distribution in powder form (M. Gotić, M. Ivanda, A. Sekulić, S. Musić, S. Popović, A. Turković, K. Furić, MaterLett. 28(1996)225; M. Ristić, M. Ivanda, S. Popović, S. Musić, J. Non-CrystallineSolids 303(2002)270; S. Krehula, S. Popović, S. Musić, Mater. Lett.54(2002)108-113)and nanoparticles of noble metals, Rh, Pdand Ag (A. Šarić, S. Popović, R. Trojko, S. Musić, J. AlloysComp. 320(2001)140; S. Krehula, S. Musić, Mater.Lett.62(2008)4369).
Dr. Svetozar Musić also contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms of adsorption/desorption phenomena at the solid/water interface and besides the fundamental significance this research has also direct application potential in the waste water treatment technology and in the decontamination of radioisotopes (S. Mirnik, S. Musić, Progr. Coll. PolymerSci. 61(1976)36; S. Musić, R. H. H. Wolf, J. Šipalo-Žuljević, Mikrochim.Acta (Wien) II (1978)303; S. Musić, M. Gessner, R. H. H. Wolf, Microchim.Acta (Wien) I (1979)105; S. Musić, M. Ristić, M. Tonković, Z. Wasser-AbwasserForsch.19(1986)186).
He was a member of the International Board on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (IBAME) from 1999 to 2009. Svetozar Musić was chairman of XXIX European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy (EUCMOS 2008) and the International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (ICAME 2013), both held in Opatija, Croatia.
Dr. Svetozar Musić and Lajos Denés Nagy at the opening ceremony of ICAME 2013, Opatija, Croatia
In 2006, Svetozar Musić received the Award of the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts for his overall scientific work. In 2010, he was made an associate member of the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts. He retired in 2012, and in the same year he was elected to the position of Emeritus at RuđerBošković Institute.
Mira Ristić
RuđerBošković Institute
Zagreb, Croatia