ICAME2015 Announcement

ICAME2015 Web Site
International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (ICAME 2015); 13 - 18 September 2015, Hamburg, Germany

Dear colleague,

it is our pleasure to announce the International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (ICAME 2015) be held in the City of Hamburg, Germany, from Sunday 13 September to Friday 18 September 2015. Please visit the conference website for further information:


The registration and abstract submission is open from 12 December 2014 to 31 March 2015. Contributed talks and posters will be selected on basis of the submitted abstracts.

Please forward this First Circular to colleagues who might be interested to participate in the ICAME 2015 !

Conference venue

The conference will take place in the main building of the University of Hamburg, which is located close to the city centre. In order to recognize the 30th anniversary of nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation, one day of the conference will be held at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY where this method was pioneered by Erich Gerdau and coworkers in 1985. This offers also the possibility to obtain a closer view on research with synchrotron radiation and x-ray lasers at DESY.


There will be pre-conference tutorials on Sunday, 13 September 2015 on various applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy in the natural sciences. The program of the tutorial lectures will be available in January 2015.

Scientific program

The conference program features a broad range of applications of the Mössbauer effect in all fields of the natural sciences. Confirmed invited speakers are, together with the subjects of their talks:

Ekkes Brück, Delft Univ (Netherlands)
          Mössbauer studies of materials for applications in magnetic cooling

Steve Cramer, UC Davies (USA)
          Biophysics via Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy

Laszlo Deak, Wigner RCP (Hungary)
          Switchable reciprocity violation in nuclear resonant scattering

Yann Garcia, UCL (Belgium)
          Molecular magnetism and nanochemistry

Raphael Hermann, FZJ (Germany)
          Lattice Dynamics in Emerging Functional Materials

Jennifer Jackson, CalTech (USA)
          High pressure physics and Earth science via nuclear resonance methods

Hisao Kobayashi, Univ Hyogo (Japan)
          Nuclear inelastic scattering on iron-based high-Tc superconductors

Olga Kocharovskaya, TAMU (USA)
          Coherent control of the waveforms of recoilless gamma-ray photons

Ulrike Kramm, U Cottbus (Germany)
          Mössbauer spectroscopy for the study of non-noble catalyst particles

Carsten Krebs, Penn State U (USA)

Spectroscopic and kinetic studies on iron-containing enzymes

Paul Lindahl, TAMU (USA)
          Iron Metabolism in Cells and Organelles

Waldemar Macedo, CDTN (Brazil)
          Nanostructured magnetic materials and thin films

Libor Machala, CATM (Czech Republic):

Ferrate compounds

Tsukasa Matsuo, Kinki Univ (Japan)
          Study of unusual spin states of two-coordinate Fe complexes

Catherine McCammon, BGI (Germany):

Synchrotron Mössbauer Spectroscopy for Earth Science

Quentin A. Pankhurst, UCL (UK):
          Mössbauer spectroscopy of nanoparticles for biomedical applications

Thomas Pfeifer, MPIK (Germany)
          Coherent control of atomic and nuclear resonances

Christian Schröder, U Stirling (UK)
          The (bio)geochemical iron cycle and astrobiology

Virender K. Sharma, TAMU (USA):

Chemistry and applications of ferrates

Alexey Sobolev, Lomonosov U (Russia)

Mössbauer spectroscopy of spin-frustrated magnetic systems


The winners of the IBAME Science Award and the IBAME young scientist award will be presented during the conference, followed by scientific talks of the awardees.

Social events

  • Get together on 13 September,
  • Welcome reception in the Hamburg Townhall on 14 September (to be confirmed)
  • Piano concert by Itsuko Yoshida on 15 September
  • Conference Dinner on 16 September
  • Boat trip on the Elbe river on 17 September


Regular conference fee: 480 €
Reduced fee (students with valid student card, retirees): 300 €
Late fee (after 1 July 2015): 600 €

The fees include participation in the conference Dinner and the other social events, except the boat trip on 17 September.

Important Dates

12 December 2014: Start of registration and abstract submission
31 March 2015: Deadline for abstract submission
April 2015: Confirmation of contributed talks and posters
1 July 2015: Deadline for payment of conference fee

Satellite Events

The conference is followed by a workshop on Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation, to be held at DESY from Monday 21 September to Wednesday 23 September 2015. The workshop is jointly organized by Hans-Christian Wille (DESY), Rudolf Rüffer (ESRF), Ercan Alp (APS) and Yoshitaka Yoda (Spring8).


The proceedings of the ICAME 2015 will be published in Hyperfine Interactions.

We are looking forward to seeing you on the ICAME 2015 in Hamburg !

With best regards,

Ralf Röhlsberger
Volker Schünemann
Göstar Klingelhöfer