It is a pleasure for the organizers to extend a cordial invitation for the participation at the International Symposium on the Industrial Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (ISIAME2012) in Dalian, China in 2012 ( This symposium is organized by Mössbauer Effect Data Center (MEDC), Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education in Lanzhou University. It follows seven previous successful world meetings and calls for abstracts of original research works from the participants. The ISIAME is an international conference series, held in every four years since 1984, and provides a major forum for scientists of various disciplines who deal with the industrial applications of the Mössbauer spectroscopy. The past ISIAME symposia were held at Honolulu, USA (1984); Parma, Italy (1988); Seta, Japan (1992); Johannesburg, South Africa (1996); Virginia Beach, USA (2000); Madrid, Spain (2004), and Budapest, Hungary (2008). This time, it will be held in Dalian, a "leading city in environmental improvement in Asian-Pacific Region"named by the UN.
ISIAME2012 will be open to all experts, researchers, practitioners, and industry engineers from all over the world, with the interests in the recent developments in the fields of Mössbauer effect applications, implementations of novel instrumentation and world's most accomplished Mössbauer spectroscopy soft-wares.
ISIAME2012 will involve invited lectures, oral and poster presentations. It starts with a welcome reception on Sunday evening (September 2nd), and will be run from Monday to Friday. An excursion is planned on Wednesday (September 5th). Contributions with prospective industrial relevance are welcome. Special attention will be given to novel and/or rapidly expanding areas.
ISIAME2012 will organize a local social programme for participants and accompanying persons. In China, Dalian is a recognized seaside summer resort, boasting gorgeous landscapes, a pleasant climate and unique architecture. The former president Jiang Zemin termed Dalian as the `Bright Pearl in North China'. Historically, Dalian has remained under colonial ruling for some time and that is quite evident in the wonderful architectures of the old colonial buildings. One of the best places to witness these architectures is the Russian Street. Therefore, we kindly invite you to experience this city. You may choose to take the opportunity to visit the tourist attractions in Dalian before or after the scientific programme, seeing nature scenery, going into historical and cultural sites, parks and gardens. Your destination in Dalian is to take the ISIAME2012, but your experience should be exactly yours, and we will have a myriad of tours suited to help you.
Tao Zhang
Director, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP)
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) |