The preliminary social & optional
programmes are listed as below, welcome reception,
evening event, excursion, and banquet are free of
charge for the participants and the accompanying
persons. The detail will be announced soon. Please
note the updates of our website.
1. Welcome Reception
Welcome reception will be held in the evening of
Sept 2, 2012.
2. Evening Event
A dinner party will be organized on Sept 3. In the
party, the Chinese characteristic performance show
such as Peking Opera will be arranged while you
taste the delicious Chinese food.
3. Excursion
In the afternoons of Sept 5 & 7, the Organizing
Committee is pleased to arrange two half day excursions.
>>> details <<<
4. Banquet
Conference banquet with Chinese characteristic performance
will be held in the evening of Sept 6, 2012.
5. Accompanying Person’s Program
Several tours will be prepared for the accompanying
persons. The program will provide an opportunity
to enjoy Chinese traditional cultures and history
relics. The first
line is included in the accompanying person's regsitration
fee, while the other two lines are not included.>>>
details <<<